Our Board of Directors and senior management believe that engaging in stockholder outreach is an essential element of strong corporate governance. We strive for a collaborative approach on issues of importance to investors and continually seek to understand better the views of our investors. Our senior management team engages with our stockholders throughout the year in a variety of forums and discusses, among other things, our business strategy and overall performance, executive compensation program and corporate governance.

Leading up to our 2019 annual stockholders meeting, our Lead Independent Director, the Chairman of the Compensation Committee, other directors, and/or members of senior management contacted more than 50 stockholders representing more than 86% of our outstanding Class A common stock regarding matters to be voted on at the meeting, including executive compensation, corporate governance, and related matters of interest to the stockholders. As part of our on-going routine, we shared the feedback received during the stockholder outreach process with all members of the Board, who discuss it and consider it as a point of reference in all actions we have taken to date which follow, as further discussed below.